Desires propounded to the Honourable House of Commons - from Denzill Holles, Esq; Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir William Lewis, Sir John Clotworthy, Sir William Waller, Sir John Maynard, Knights, Major Generall Massey, John Glynne Esquire, Recorder of London, Walter Long, Esq; Col. Edward Harley, and Anthony Nicoll, Esq; members of the Honourable House of Commons. VVho stand impeached by His Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax, and the army under his command. Also their demurrer to the charge: and the votes of the House, giving them leave to goe beyond the seas, and to absent themselves for six moneths: and Mr. Speaker to grant them passes

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by Robert Ibbitson 1647 England, Printed at London [2], 6 sidor.